Most established companies have a CEO, CFO, VP Sales and VP Engineering... and there's general agreement about what these jobs do. By contrast, Chief Operating Officer (COO) is a weird role. Many companies are perfectly happy without one. And amongst those companies that do have a COO, job descriptions vary widely.So should your company hire a COO? That all depends. If you're considering it, following are some ideas about what can work.
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Bursts of Color - Do You Need a COO?
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Most established companies have a CEO, CFO, VP Sales and VP Engineering... and there's general agreement about what these jobs do. By contrast, Chief Operating Officer (COO) is a weird role. Many companies are perfectly happy without one. And amongst those companies that do have a COO, job descriptions vary widely.So should your company hire a COO? That all depends. If you're considering it, following are some ideas about what can work.