Finance is to a company what plumbing is to a house: invisible when it works well, but disastrous when it doesn't. In both cases, it's well worth hiring the right person for the job: the plumber you call for a leaky kitchen faucet is not the one you hire to design and oversee the pipes in a skyscraper. With this in mind, here's a rough guide to different kinds of finance leaders, and which kind you may need as your company grows.
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Bursts of Color - Of Plumbers and CFOs
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Finance is to a company what plumbing is to a house: invisible when it works well, but disastrous when it doesn't. In both cases, it's well worth hiring the right person for the job: the plumber you call for a leaky kitchen faucet is not the one you hire to design and oversee the pipes in a skyscraper. With this in mind, here's a rough guide to different kinds of finance leaders, and which kind you may need as your company grows.